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Bad Blood

Bad Blood

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.ePub formátumban
Borító ár:
1 590 Ft

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Borító ár: A könyvön szereplő, a könyv kiadója által meghatározott ár

Korábbi ár: Az elmúlt 30 nap legalacsonyabb ára

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Kötött ár: A terméknek az Árkötöttségi törvény alapján meghatározott legalacsonyabb eladási ára, melyből további kedvezmény nem adható.

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Tori Karacis never believed tales that her lineage traces back to a drunken liaison between Pan and a gorgon, despite the fact that her glance literally stops men in their tracks. It’s a useful quirk for a PI, especially when she witnesses a murder by something resembling The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
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Gyártó kód:
Tori Karacis never believed tales that her lineage traces back to a drunken liaison between Pan and a gorgon, despite the fact that her glance literally stops men in their tracks. It’s a useful quirk for a PI, especially when she witnesses a murder by something resembling The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Murder is just the beginning. The old gods are staging a comeback and it won’t go well for mortals in their path.
“Thank you for this amazing start to a new, very promising series! I loved the chance to play in your world for a little while, and I know that I’ll be back for many, many visits.” —Mary Kate from Dear Author, a Recommended Read
“Tori Karacis in Bad Blood is sharp, sexy, and wickedly funny. I adored this book!” —Faith Hunter, author of the NYT bestselling Jane Yellowrock series
“BAD BLOOD is a wonderful read. The mystery keeps the reader engaged, the action makes the reader want to roll with the punches, and the romance makes the senses tingle. This is a great book to coil up with on a lazy Sunday afternoon.” —Fresh Fiction
"Bad Blood is a delightful urban fantasy, a clever mix of Janet Evanovich and Rick Riordan, and a true Lucienne Diver original." —Long and Short Reviews
“This was just an entertaining read, and one of the rare books where I liked the heroine, villain, and the love interests. It's one of my favorite novellas of the year…. This is just one great read.” —A Buckeye Girl Reads
“There are plenty of twists and turns, lots of action, a couple of near-death experiences, several threats, n and a mystery to solve as Tori and Nick try to save the city from being destroyed…. It’s all added together into a fast paced, complicated plot that makes for an entertaining read.” -Literary Nymphs Reviews
“I loved this book. In fact I read it in one sitting (stayed up until the wee hours of the morning is being more honest), Lucienne Diver wove an incredible tale of ancient gods hiding in plain sight in a modern world. This was a fast paced, action packed book with tons of humor and steamy tension on every page.” —A Simple Love of Reading
“an amusing ride with all the romance tropes to keep those genre fans happy, enough who-done-it on the frothy side to keep the mystery fans engaged, and of course there are the supernaturals to hook the fantasy crowd – everyone’s invited to the party and the Tarrantino-level fantabulous ending! The entertainment? It’s all in the blood, natch!” —ComicMix