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Quality Street

Quality Street

Elérhető nálunk:
.ePub formátumban
Borító ár:
690 Ft

Árakkal kapcsolatos információk:


Borító ár: A könyvön szereplő, a könyv kiadója által meghatározott ár

Korábbi ár: Az elmúlt 30 nap legalacsonyabb ára

Rendeléskor fizetendő online ár: A rendeléskor fizetendő ár

Bevezető ár: Megjelenés előtt leadott megrendelésre érvényes ár

Kötött ár: A terméknek az Árkötöttségi törvény alapján meghatározott legalacsonyabb eladási ára, melyből további kedvezmény nem adható.

A weboldalon feltüntetett minden ártípus bruttó ár.

The scene is the blue and white room in the house of the Misses Susan and Phoebe Throssel in Quality Street; and in this little country town there is a satisfaction about living in Quality Street which even religion cannot give.
Raktári kód:
Gyártó kód:
The scene is the blue and white room in the house of the Misses Susan and Phoebe Throssel in Quality Street; and in this little country town there is a satisfaction about living in Quality Street which even religion cannot give. Through the bowed window at the back we have a glimpse of the street. It is pleasantly broad and grass-grown, and is linked to the outer world by one demure shop, whose door rings a bell every time it opens and shuts. Thus by merely peeping, every one in Quality Street can know at once who has been buying a Whimsy cake, and usually why. This bell is the most familiar sound of Quality Street. Now and again ladies pass in their pattens, a maid perhaps protecting them with an umbrella, for flakes of snow are falling discreetly. Gentlemen in the street are an event; but, see, just as we raise the curtain, there goes the recruiting sergeant to remind us that we are in the period of the Napoleonic wars. If he were to look in at the window of the blue and white room all the ladies there assembled would draw themselves up; they know him for a rude fellow who smiles at the approach of maiden ladies and continues to smile after they have passed. However, he lowers his head to-day so that they shall not see him, his present design being converse with the Misses Throssel's maid.