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Collection of Short Story Thrillers

Collection of Short Story Thrillers

Elérhető nálunk:
.ePub formátumban
Borító ár:
324 Ft

Árakkal kapcsolatos információk:


Borító ár: A könyvön szereplő, a könyv kiadója által meghatározott ár

Korábbi ár: Az elmúlt 30 nap legalacsonyabb ára

Rendeléskor fizetendő online ár: A rendeléskor fizetendő ár

Bevezető ár: Megjelenés előtt leadott megrendelésre érvényes ár

Kötött ár: A terméknek az Árkötöttségi törvény alapján meghatározott legalacsonyabb eladási ára, melyből további kedvezmény nem adható.

A weboldalon feltüntetett minden ártípus bruttó ár.

Caterina is totally in lust with her boyfriend, Arthur, and she hopes that their one night of bliss will draw them closer. However, her hope is dashed when a surprise intruder interrupts their romantic interlude and wreaks havoc on their evening together. Then a new discovery shakes Caterina’s world, and she starts to question her beliefs about herself.
Raktári kód:
Gyártó kód:
Caterina is totally in lust with her boyfriend, Arthur, and she hopes that their one night of bliss will draw them closer. However, her hope is dashed when a surprise intruder interrupts their romantic interlude and wreaks havoc on their evening together. Then a new discovery shakes Caterina’s world, and she starts to question her beliefs about herself. It is a night of terror for Caterina who wishes to protect Arthur and herself from the intruder, but will anyone survive in the end?
Aurora Mannindo, a 21-year old social work student, dreams of working with hospital patients in therapeutic care, but first, she has to get through her final work placement at a homeless shelter for men. For Aurora, it's the placement from hell. Her days are filled with red tape and paperwork, and several of the clients—what the staff call “Red Flag Clients”—are overtly threatening. Two, in particular, Marcus and David, seem to go out of their way to menace her. When her driver’s license disappears the week Marcus is about to leave the shelter, Aurora begins to fear for her life. To save her best friend, Bianca, and her boyfriend, Carlos, Aurora is willing to fight to the death—but whose?
Serenity is a 22-year old psychology student who desperately wants to forget her past. If only her dreams would let her. When a strange meeting triggers her memories of those past events, Serenity must seek out the truth to save the lives of two innocent children. As family secrets threaten to tear her world apart, she finds herself and her loved ones targeted by a villain she thought she'd left behind. Danger is closer than she could have imagined. Will she recognise it in time