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A terrible choice is still a choice. A life of bad decisions had placed Zoe in a dangerous situation. Work for the Dregs, shadow assassins and their master, or face her survivors seeking revenge. What better way to hide from death than deal in it? As a Necromancer, the end of life didn’t bother her.
Raktári kód:
Gyártó kód:
A terrible choice is still a choice.
A life of bad decisions had placed Zoe in a dangerous situation. Work for the Dregs, shadow assassins and their master, or face her survivors seeking revenge.
What better way to hide from death than deal in it? As a Necromancer, the end of life didn’t bother her. She knew what waited–nothing good.
The problem is no one just joined. First, they needed to apprentice and prove themselves.
Those drafted walked the lands as a force of nature, their very presence tweaking the scales of injustice towards balance.
Zoe wished they would tell her whom to kill and let her get on with it. Instead, she was bound to wander blindly, her bumbling and bumping path creating chaos.
From this, anarchy was meant to raise a new world order. Best she could tell, the system was hogwash, too random and localized for significant change.
However, she was in no position to argue.
Will Zoe ever gain the skills and knowledge needed to become a full-fledged Dreg? Read Guilded, the first book in her story set in the magical Lilliehaven universe to find out.
Get it now.