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Jean Angel

Jean Angel

Elérhető nálunk:
.ePub formátumban
Korábbi ár:
806 Ft
Borító ár:
806 Ft
Rendeléskor fizetendő online ár:
766 Ft

Árakkal kapcsolatos információk:


Borító ár: A könyvön szereplő, a könyv kiadója által meghatározott ár

Korábbi ár: Az elmúlt 30 nap legalacsonyabb ára

Rendeléskor fizetendő online ár: A rendeléskor fizetendő ár

Bevezető ár: Megjelenés előtt leadott megrendelésre érvényes ár

Kötött ár: A terméknek az Árkötöttségi törvény alapján meghatározott legalacsonyabb eladási ára, melyből további kedvezmény nem adható.

A weboldalon feltüntetett minden ártípus bruttó ár.

Book 3 of the Jean Angel Series: The story of Jean Angel in its third installment, continues with Tara and Nath reaching Zesia. Tara is overwhelmed to see Jean after a long time and so is Jean to be in the company of Tara and Nath. In this part, you will read more about Shyam, Jean's father who's character was unexplored in the first two parts.
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Gyártó kód:
Book 3 of the Jean Angel Series:
The story of Jean Angel in its third installment, continues with Tara and Nath reaching Zesia. Tara is overwhelmed to see Jean after a long time and so is Jean to be in the company of Tara and Nath. In this part, you will read more about Shyam, Jean's father who's character was unexplored in the first two parts. Also, it is the first time Jean meets king Robert face to face! Renee and Roger continue to hold an important place in the story as they consider themselves the leaders of tomorrow. Where shall Jean go? And will he ever get over his suspected delusions? Has the prophecy led Jean to many misconceptions over time, triggering his illness and false hope? Or there really was some greater truth behind what the nature had orchrasted for him? What path will he choose? Who will help him beside his mere delusion? Read this one to find out more.