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Keeper of the Winds

Keeper of the Winds

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1 690 Ft

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My name is Jenna Solitaire and everything I thought I knew about myself, my family, and my future is wrong. My life is not my own. It never has been. I just didn't know it?until now… Nineteen-year-old Jenna Solitaire has lost her grandfather, who was her only remaining family.
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Gyártó kód:
My name is Jenna Solitaire and everything I thought I knew about myself, my family, and my future is wrong. My life is not my own. It never has been. I just didn't know it?until now…
Nineteen-year-old Jenna Solitaire has lost her grandfather, who was her only remaining family. Going through old family belongings in the attic, she discovers a trunk, and in it a planchette made of bone and an ancient wooden board scorched by fire and covered in strange symbols. Thinking only to connect with some element of her past, Jenna attempts to use it, and soon there is a voice whispering long-lost secrets in her mind. Secrets about her family, and the role handed down through generations of Solitaire women: Keeper of the Board. Thrust into a world she doesn’t understand, Jenna will begin an adventure that will ultimately take her around the world, but first, she must master the Board itself, even as she faces forces of greed and power – those who will stop at nothing to take the Board for themselves. As the Board conjures devastating storms, Jenna struggles to find her footing and determine who she can trust. Events spiral out of control, and Jenna fights to protect those she still believes in: Father Andrew, the family priest who has known her since she was born, her best friend, Tom, and his girlfriend, Kristen. And then there is Simon Monk, shrouded in mystery and connected somehow to Father Andrew and the Vatican itself, who appears to have her best interests in mind, but frightens Jenna with his intensity. Jenna must conquer her doubts, her fears, and take on the mantle of Keeper of the Board and the Daughter of Destiny, or leave the Earth itself in peril.
“The first installment in the Daughter of Destiny series, this fast-paced book can easily be read in an afternoon. Jenna's struggle to decide whom she can and cannot rely on will strike a chord with the reader, as will Jenna's reluctant attraction to Simon, a mysterious stranger who claims that he is trying to help Jenna learn about the board. The author strikes a good balance between action sequences and moments of introspection on Jenna's part….Recommended for all libraries with substantial teen fantasy collections.”—Voices of Youth Advocates
 “An intriguing and trendy concept certain to appeal to teen readers.”—Booklist on Keeper of the Winds
 "This compelling fantasy ends with a definite expectation of a sequel."--School Library Journal on Keeper of the Winds
"Jenna Solitaire is an exciting new presence...Bring it on, Jenna!"--Nancy Holder, author of Queen of the Slayers and Pretty Little Devils, on Keeper of the Winds